Monday, April 30, 2007

Things should never apologize for....

1. Never apologize for giving my best in a relationship that just didn't work out.
2. Never apologize for crying. Wear waterproof mascara and express yourself.
3. Never apologize for being frugal. Just because I save my money instead of blowing it on the latest fashion emergency doesn't mean me cheap.
4. Don't apologize for being a single mom. Kayla is a blessing.
5. Never apologize for treating myself to something special. Sometimes I need some appreciation.
6. Never apologize for setting high standards in a relationship. I know what I can tolerate and what simply gets on my nerves.
7. Never apologize for saying NO.
8. Never apologize for my taste in clothes. It's my style.
9.Never apologize for changing my mind.
10. Never apologize for exercising your right to choose. It's your body and your right.
11. I never apologize for being me!......

Apa kata mereka tentang.......

Ini copy an dari testi teman teman di friendster... sayang FS nya dah ngak active karena lupa password nya dan dulu sign in nya pake alamat imel jaman di IP djuhhhh sebal created yg baru kayaknya dah basi hari gene masih FS2 an...he.he.he....
Kebenaran testi ini sih 50:50 kale yah...he.he.he ...padahal gw kan lebih lebih..hmmmmmm JELEK dari itu...hue.he.he.....
ini dia niki aka yang ku mo aka neng aka bunda kayla........:

o Tina
o Yaaanngg Kuuuu Mooooo ... duuuhhh ... Niki itu orgnya cueeekkkk banget! Enak diajak becanda, orangnya baik ... tapi kalo dah ngambek ... duh males deh ... tapi dia salah satu temen gue yg asik ... gue masih inget bgt saat hrs nyupir roti tawarnya tegah malem buta sendirian ampe keringetan, saking takut dia nyupir dalam keadaan tidak sadar ... huahaha ... I never forget that TRAGIC day! Wove you Mama Kaywa ...

o Dayat
o Niks, ini adalah room mate gue he he he... Niki ini baek, tapi kalo udah ngomel bisa kaya kesamber gledek tuch ruangan accounting :-) tapi ga pa pa u r de best lah niks.. especially in analyzing financial report..

o Piw
o Yang kumo temen gila gw, I really miss our crazy times! We both scorpio jd klop; we do things off the limit: enaknya bisa pol2an.. ngga enaknya: ngga ada yg ngerem hehe.. klo urusan cowo UNCENSORED, urusan mabu2an NO LIMIT hehe.. yg bt skrg, agak bolot, soalnya gw masih suka gila2an, yang kumo prefer drmh (soalnya sdh ada kayla) trus gw cerita cowo, deise cerita suami.. lha, itu artinya masih klop ngga yah?! hihi

o danieL
o Neng adalah salah satu teman terbaik yang aku dapatkan.....walaupun agak galak tapi dia baek banget sama temannya ...sangat helpfull kepada sesama trus pinter banget...and cantek juga seh...he..he..he..he...ehm waktu kita kuliah dulu dia biasanya jadi leader klompok kita...termasuk salah satu mama genk...di persekutuan doa kita...Niki pokoke teman yang bisa diajak dalam senang maupun dalam syusah....pokoke niki is the best dah...

o Maya
o Bundanya kayla ini adalah salah satu temen curhat gw, orgnya sensitif bgt, wajah preman, hati rinto, kira2 bgt lah gambarannya. Anaknya asik buat diajak ngobrol, makan (salah satu persamaan kita) apalagi buat gila2an, tp skrg sdh gak bisa lagi....:( ada Davin dan Kayla:)

o fannieeeeeeeeee
o IBu dengan satu anak ini orangnya sangat-2 CheerFUL, temen ngegossip sejati, hobby makan (sma kaya Fannie), ga peLit, suka menolong, kaLo Lagi makan siang sama Mba Ci2, Mba Christine, Ibu Harnie yang ada bukannya makan malah Cape ketawa trus perutnya keram deh udah gitu yang jadi Objek berCanda'nya saLah saTu priA Terganteng di muka bumi ini (yang ini hanya kita yang tau ya Mba) hehhehehe. trus mba niki ini kadang-2 PLinPLan, dari kantor bilangnya mo makan di Tamani eh diProvokatorin kita mau aja makan di Emperan sebelah Wendy's huahauaha (inget Mba susu Kayla mahaL). I wish ouR Friendship will be Last 4eVa.

o Nita
o Kayla's mom ini adalah orang yang paling baik.., dulu waktu sekantor, dia nggak pernah keberatan untuk ditebengin, partner erobik, abis itu makan mendoan..., temenan ama dia kaya punya kakak cewek.., cuman kalo bete nya lagi kumat... wuih..seyem..., pokoknya temenan ama ibu NQ itu menyenangkan sekali deh....Keep in touch ya.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Effort is a Joy

Life is filled with difficult work isnt it?.
Have you ever considered what a blessing that truly is?
The opportunity for effort never ends. Complete one task, and there are even more then before, ready to be undertaken.after annual financial report , there's annual taxes report ...Financial statement analysis per two months to Directors after that financial statement for investor , review monthly FS report,weekly report cash plan, daily task......uuuuuhhhhhh Sometimes I just want to scream ......Capeee deh..

But if I see effort as a burden, then I might well become dismayed that there is no end to it.
Yet effort is not a burden at all.

Just read one of my friend's email that state : EFFORT is a eyes open..and that Am realize yeah effort is a joy, repeat.. effort is a JOY .
I got something valuable from that article....
Effort is a grand opportunity to express my self and to express the magnificence of living, in a way that is solid and tangible.
The burden of effort is only in my imagination, only in my resistance to it. Let go of that imagined burden, and experience each effort as the truly liberating thing it is.

Think of how life would be if every moment brought more and more richness and fulfillment. Know effort as the joy that it is, and that's exactly how's my life will be.......

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Keep on Choosing

One of my fave quote:
Success is not a secret. It is a choice, a choice that is made over and over again.......

Am agree with that quote..
Setiap hari kita di hadapkan dengan pilihan....apa yang kita tuai nantinya adalah hasil dari pilihan kita...
Kayla saat ini aku sudah coba ajarkan untuk tau artinya memilih......
Last week after go to sunday school we go to mall , am pretty sure she have she's own plan ...
along the way to mall she said" bunda aku mau beli baju nanti yah" , she have a fave stall that sale a lots of tshirt yg gambarnya character2 dari kartun kesukaan nya.
and finally we arrive at Mall " ayo bunda ke atas ,aku mau beli baju'
hmmmmmmmmmm aku mau yang belle dan ariel bunda.... No kayla have to choose one .The most you wanted .... ngak boleh dua dua nya. Bunda punya uang nya cuma buat satu baju saja.....
She choose the ariel ...and she say.. Iya bunda aku mau yang ariel..tapi kalo bunda ada duit lagi minggu depan aku mau yang belle yah...
Thats the way , am teach my daughter.... Hidup penuh dengan pilihan..dan tidak bisa kita dapatkan semua pilihan tersebut dalam satu pilihan....

its a choice, a choice that is made over and over again...

Bekasi, April 21 2007